Forest Resource Environment Development and Conservation Association (FREDA) is a non-political, non-profit and non-government organization in the forestry sector of Myanmar. Its strength is experience, dedication and dynamism. Registered in 1996, FREDA is currently composed of 775) members, comprising foresters, botanists, agronomists, zoologists, veterinary scientists, hydro-geologists, engineers, timber businessmen, journalists, artists, etc. Membership is open to any citizen of Myanmar over the age of 18, except those in active government service.
U Sein Maung Wint | Retired DG | (1996-2012) |
U Ohn | Retired Director | (1996-2015) |
U Sein Win | Retired Director | (1996-1999) |
U Soe Kyi | Retired DG | (1996-2009) |
U Myint Swe Win | Retired DDG | (1996-1999) |
U Than Myint | Retired Director | (1996-1999) |
U Aung Than | Retired DGM | (1996-2000) |
To regulate climate change and environmental deterioration through active participation of local community in sustainable forest management, proper land use practice and community development.
To promote participation and partnership in
1. sustainable forest management
2. natural environment conservation
3. wildlife protection
4. grass root level community development
5. human resource development
6. disaster risk reduction and sustainable land use
7. responsible eco-tourism
The 18 member Central Committee (CC), approved at an appropriate General Assembly for a term of three years governs FREDA. The CC forms the Executive Committee, consisting of (5) CC members to oversee day-to-day operations. Field activities are implemented by the members recruited for specific assignments with people’s participation.
Note :
FD | Forest Department |
PSD | Planning and Statistics Department, |
MOF | Ministry of Forestry |
DG | Director General |
DDG | Deputy Director General |
University of Forestry and Environmental Science |
Environmental Conservation Department |
Dry Zone Greening Department |
The 16th members of the Central Committee selected among the FREDA members and approved at the 16th General Assembly held on August 2024 are:
U Tin Latt | Patron Retired Deputy Director General, Dry Zone Greening Department | |
1 | U Htun Paw Oo |
Retired Director, Forest Department |
2 | U Zaw Win (7) |
Retired Deputy Director General , Dry Zone Greening Department |
3 | U Than Htun | Freelance Consultant |
4 | Dr. Thein Aung |
Retired Assistant Director, Forest Department |
5 | Dr.Maung Maung Than | Mangrove Specialist. |
6 | Dr.Khin Lay Swe | Retired pro-rector, University of Agriculture, Researcher |
7 | U Myo Min |
Retired Director, Forest Department |
8 | U Mya Win |
Retired Deputy Director, Forest Department |
9 | Dr.San Thwin | Pro-Rector and Professor (UOFES), DDG-ECD |
10 | U Soun Htwe | Retired Director, FD and DZGD |
11 | Daw Wah Wah Khine | Finance Specialist |
12 | U Htay Maung | Retired Director, Forest Department |
13 | U Ohn Lwin | Retired Director, Forest Department |
14 | Dr.San Win | Pro-Rector, UOFES |
15 | Daw Moe Moe | Agriculturist Consultant |
16 | Daw Zar Chi Win Thein | M.D Trust Survey Agency Co;Ltd |
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