Scene of leave-less mangrove forest after the outbreak of Cyclone Nargis
Trees broken by Cyclone Nargis in mangrove forests
FREDA rest house for field staff at Byone Hmwe badly damaged
A Primary School building at Taung-kwin village totally damaged
Distribution of rice donated by DKHFREDA
An old village woman carrying rice, oil and salt distributed by DKHFREDA at Lay Pin Chaung village
Transportation of relief commodities by FREDA staff and volunteers at Okpho Kwinchuang village
Distribution of purified drinking water to the villagers at Wagone village
A household wife with smiling face carrying relief goods distributed by DKHFREDA at Lay Pin Chaung village
Paddy seed bags ready for distribution to the farmers in cyclone affected area
Testing of the germination capacity of paddy seeds before distribution
Power tillers ready for distribution to the farmers in cycolne affected area
Power tillers packed for transportation to the target villages
Agriculture Specialist Dr.Win Pe of FREDA provided guidance to a farmer for the success of paddy cultivation after Cyclone Nargis
A temporary village school being repaired at a village by the village community
A power tiller donated by DKH is seen ploughing a paddy field
Children learning at a temporary school without proper school desk and bench
A Memorial Inscription on metal plate placed on the wall of a SCCS
Solar power electrical supply system installed at Okpho Kwinchaung SCCS
Ah-pyin Padekaw village housing complex with village road, drainage and fencing
Solar power electrical supply system installed at Kunthee Chaung SCCS
High Ground-cum-pond constructed at Pyankaw village for life security in case of disaster and for drinking water in dry season
High Ground-cum-pond constructed at Ye Phyu kan village for life security in case of disaster and for drinking water in dry season
Gutters for collecting rain water being distributed to the households at Ye phyu kan vaillage
Seedlings raised at FREDA Nursery
Watering the young plants druing the summer dry season
Donation of the fruit trees sedlings to a Buddhist monk for the monastery
Distribution of fruit trees seedlings free of charge to Parent Teacher Association of a school
Betek-nut plants distributed by DKH-FREDA seen in good growth
Thriving wind break plantation with fast growth at Mingalar Thaungtan village
Watching a video show on meditation technique at a monstery with gasifier electricity donated by DKH-FREDA
Noni trees distributed by DKH-FREDA seen in good growth already beaing fruits
Wood gasifier plant installed by DKH-FREDA at Wagone village
A wind mill installed at Mingalar Thaungtan village for supply of electricity
Vice-Chairman of FREDA, giving a lecture on Forest Conservation at the FREDA staff capacity building training course
Trainees seen studying local bee hives at Mingalar Thaung Tan village
The complete SCCS constructed at Okpho kwinchaung village
The School-cum-Cyclone Shelter building at Tebinsek village
A complete SCCS building at Kontanpauk village
Village bridge with pier (80 feet long x 5 feet wide) constructed Okpho kwinchaung villaged